harvest Fence

What We Do

At the Abraxas High School Garden, established in 2015, our Farm to Table Program is dedicated to fostering a deeper connection between our students, the environment, and their community. We aim to cultivate not only nutritious, locally-grown produce but also a lifelong appreciation for sustainable agriculture, healthy eating, and environmental stewardship. Through hands-on learning, students will gain practical gardening skills, an understanding of seasonal cycles, and the importance of food security. Our program strives to empower students to make informed food choices, promote environmental responsibility, and nurture a sense of community by donating 80% of our produce to members of our community who need it the most. Together, we grow more than food; we grow knowledge, responsibility, and a healthier future.

Check out some of our videos about the Garden below!

Watch A Tour Of The Garden

Seeds for the future Video

Fox 5 Berry Good Food Part 1

Abraxas Garden Annual Fundraiser 2019

Poway Community Park Bench Interview

Fox 5 Berry Good Food Part 2

follow us on instagram @ abraxasgarden

Thank You for your support to the Abraxas Garden.

click the red 'donate' button

Make Sure To Put 'Abraxas Garden' In the line marked 'designate funds to:'. 

Thank You to the the great people organizations that have supported and generously donated to our garden!!!
